
Why Laravel Is the Best PHP Framework - 10 Reasons to go with it!Checklist to Consider during Your ecommerce Website Redesign

31 Aug, 21

Check out why PHP is the greatest framework available. Know how laravel is secure and subject-oriented...

31 Aug, 21
5 minutes


, one of the best PHP frameworks available, was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and quickly earned popularity among developers due to its modern approach. It was a framework with a difference in that it had no one owner! A big community of Laravel developers looked after it. And developers vouch for Laravel's effectiveness, claiming that it can alleviate many of the challenges developers confront. Laravel is current; it is also open-source. It comes with a wealth of learning materials, including a plethora of tutorials.

Laravel sprang to prominence as an all-arounder rather than a CMS or eCommerce framework. This, on the other hand, can be used to create excellent CMS and e-commerce online systems. Despite being a young framework, Laravel comes with all of the capabilities needed to swiftly construct modern apps and all of the necessary security features. Although the framework was designed with the MVC architecture in mind, it can also manage user authentication and event handling. The framework is well-known for its package manager, enabling developers to write modular and extendable code while also providing sophisticated database management tools.

With these considerations in mind, let’s check out why PHP is the greatest framework available.

Laravel is based on the MVC architecture.

It helps keep coding easy to update in a time-sensitive way, especially when it's edited by individuals who didn't write it, by separating the fundamental logic of the program, the part that displays information to the user, and the part that accepts and processes input.

Following the model-view-controller architecture not only makes it easier for teams to collaborate on a project, but it's also an excellent idea for long-term projects. Legacy code is a programmer's worst nightmare, yet using the MVC design can save you time and money in the long run.

Laravel Is Secure

Laravel has excellent security features. The PHP Data Objects (PDO) option, part of Laravel's Eloquent ORM, protects SQL injections. For each active user session, Laravel protects the application from CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks, by producing a CSRF token for each application request. This is another technique to prevent unauthorized entrance by assisting with user authentication. For storing all passwords, Laravel employs salted and hashed passwords, which are largely Bcrypt.

Laravel also has some other Security features:

  • Encryption

  • Protection of Request

  • Multi Authentication Driver



Laravel is based on object-oriented policies. Almost all of Laravel's functionality, including model, controller, and seeder, is based on the classified and object. OOP guidelines will help you design better code in terms of readability, security, and extensibility.

Object-oriented libraries are libraries that are focused on objects. One of the most important features in making Laravel the greatest is its pre-installed object-oriented libraries, which are not present in any other popular PHP framework. The Authentication library is one of the pre-installed libraries. It includes many advanced features, such as Bcrypt hashing, active users, password reset, encryption, protection, and CSRF (cross-site request forgery), and it’s simple to set up


Laravel's built-in ORM implementation is called Eloquent ORM. In comparison to other frameworks, Laravel features the best Object-Relational Mapper. This object-relational mapping allows you to use expressive syntax to deal with database objects and relationships. Each database table in Eloquent has a corresponding "Model" that is used to communicate with it. Soft deletion, Timestamps, ActiveRecord implementation, multiple database handling, eager loading, model observers, model events, and many other features have made it famous.


Laravel has its template engine called Blade.

Laravel includes its template engine, Blade, which enables developers to write plain PHP code. It also means that there are no performance overheads in the program. Blade is a simple tool with tremendous use. Unlike its controller layer siblings, this is powered via template sections and inheritance. Suppose you want to incorporate one Blade template within another. In that case, you can use the @include line to merge some common HTML code into a single template.

Database Migration and Seeding

In Laravel, migration is a database data control system. It enables the Laravel development team to edit, update, and exchange data across several workstations. A Laravel Schema builder makes it simple to design a database schema in Laravel.

Database migrations are a sort of application database version control. They enable a development team to construct or edit the database schema while also keeping track of the present state of the schema. Using seeder, Laravel provides an easy way to seed an application database with initial or test data. 

Error and Exception Handling

Laravel provides built-in error and exception handling capabilities and integrates with the Monolog logging library, supporting a wide range of complex log handlers. Laravel's features contribute to the app's usability, allowing users to experience error-free use. Laravel also provides robust logging services that allow you to log messages to files, the system error log, and even to slack to notify your entire team


This built-in tool allows a developer to communicate with Laravel via a command line to build and manage a project. Artisan allows you to automate the majority of monotonous and time-consuming programming chores that many developers avoid completing manually.

Seamless Deployment

Laravel, the greatest PHP framework

, ensures a smooth server deployment, allowing enterprises to stay afloat in the face of powerful currents. The Laravel PHP framework contains built-in tools that make it simple to integrate with third-party APIs. Laravel may be installed on any server, such as Nginx or Apache. Dockerization is also supported by Laravel. Laravel may be optimized by using packages and various caching techniques while deploying.


It's pointless to release a product without first evaluating it. The program should be released without any bugs, problems, or crashes. Laravel comes with built-in testing facilities, including a phpunit.xml file and handy helper methods that enable extensive Testing of apps. It may elicit simple user behavior and conduct tests with the findings, such as filling out forms.

Package Development
Any framework's scale is mostly determined by how helpful packages are redistributed by the developer. Laravel's primary method of adding functionality is through packages. Routes, controllers, views, configuration, and migrations may be included in packages that are particularly designed to improve a Laravel application. Laravel allows us to create a code bundle that you may reuse to conserve resources and improve the performance of your app. Laravel 5.5 and later versions enable automatic detection of packages that users want to install. When a new installation is required, it eliminates the use of aliases at the start.

Bottom line

Laravel is suitable for a wide range of project sizes and types; it's light enough for little projects but has enough features to aid with larger ones as well. Laravel is an excellent choice for a variety of small-scale applications all the way up to enterprise-level software. It may develop hybrid apps and easily accept additional custom-generated extensions and packages because of its powerful API structure. The Laravel framework has become the most popular PHP framework for these and many other reasons. Its performance has been demonstrated, and it enables developers to create web applications of any size quickly.

If you're a business owner looking to use Laravel to design your next web application, contact our Laravel application development experts to ensure your project's success.

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